Tips for Transcendental Meditation Beginners

Meditation beginners often find themselves frustrated by their initial attempts to clear their minds. Check out these tips as you learn how to meditate and you’ll have more success as you begin your practice. Whether you’ve attended a formal transcendental meditation retreat or are simply learning to meditate on your own, you will want to read up on the practice and learn from others who have been practicing this technique for a while.

Create a sacred meditation space
You’ll want to set aside a special space for meditation. If you can, invest in supportive pillows, candles and a meditation altar. Paint the area a soothing color and set up totems that have spiritual or inspirational value to you. If you do not have a place where you can engage in complete silence, invest in a white noise tape or meditative instrumental music to use to block out distractions. Some people like to invest in a small water fountain so they can listen to the soothing sound of water as they meditate.

Set aside a specific time or times each day
Transcendental meditation is most effective when practiced three times daily. Your success will depend on your diligent practice. The fewer times you practice, the less effective your meditation sessions will be. By setting a routine time and place, you will be more likely to successfully continue your meditation practice.

Choose a mantra that will uplift your soul
Choose a simple mantra that does not cause you to think too much or delve into other issues. It needs to be positive, but not distracting. Think of your mantra as a silent guide for your meditative journey. You want to follow that guide without thinking too much about it.

Practice seated yoga asanas
You will need to learn to sit comfortably for fifteen minutes or more at a time. While this sounds simple, any discomfort can be distracting, taking away from the effectiveness of your meditation practice. By learning meditation poses, especially seated yoga asana are the best, you will be able to clear your mind and focus on the mantra better instead of thinking about your aching back or your stomach muscles.

Learn mudras to accompany your meditative practice
One effective meditation technique is to assume a mudra that accompanies the intent of your mantra. Study the mudras used in Hindi meditative practices and assume a finger pose that connects you physically with the mantra you chant while practicing your meditation.